Seine net
The seine net has been acquired for the management of the fishing waters in the Sevettijärvi area. The net was purchased with funds collected during Antti Pentikäinen’s birthday celebration. The seine net is communal, and all users are responsible for its use and maintenance. Villagers can use the net according to the following conditions:
The seine net must be reserved in advance from the reservation book at the Kolttatalo. In the summer, the Kolttatalo is closed in July, so inquiries about borrowing the net can be made either by email or phone (weekdays from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM) to the Skolt Saami Cultural Foundation. Contact details can be found at the end.
The seine net may only be used in the Sevettijärvi drainage basin. The net must not be taken to other water bodies, such as Nitsijärvi. Check if the planned fishing location belongs to the Sevettijärvi drainage basin from Järviwiki Sevettijärven valuma-alue (69.06) – Järvi-meriwiki (
The Sevettijärvi drainage basin includes the Kuosnajoki area, Kirakkajärvi drainage basin, Sevettijärvi surrounding area, Ailejohka drainage basin, Sollomusjärvenoja drainage basin, Petsijärvenoja drainage basin, Nilijärvi area, Unhorjuuha drainage basin, and Jorvapuolijärvi drainage basin.
Return of the seine net
- The seine net must be washed after use and lifted to dry on the racks at the Kolttatalo’s shore and covered with a tarpaulin. The tarpaulin can be found near the racks. It is advisable to inform the Skolt Saami Cultural Foundation about the return.
- The seine net must be intact after use. Each user is responsible for the condition of the net after use and must repair any holes or damages. Repair materials (thread and needles) are available at the Kolttatalo.
- The following information must be provided about the use of the net
- Users
- Date
- Location of use
- Catch (total catch in kilograms or pieces)
- Fish species in general
Usage can be reported either in the notebook at the Kolttatalo when returning the net, or by email if the Kolttatalo is closed.
Contact information
Skolt Saami Cultural Foundation
Sevettijärventie 9080, 99930 Sevettijärvi
Executive Director of Skolt Saami Cultural Foundation
Anna-Katariina Feodoroff
050 3646249
Executive Assistant of Skolt Saami Cultural Foundation
Kaisja Semenoja
045 1780200